Dynamics of Jesus Community: Towards the Discipleship in Lucan Theology


  • Samji Vadakedam dvk


Dynamics of Jesus Community: Towards the Discipleship in Lucan Theology


Dynamics of Jesus Community is an attempt to theologise Christian discipleship from a communitarian perspective presented in the Gospel of Luke. The first chapter provides an introduction to the Lucan 'way' by analysing the concept of pilgrim theology where human beings are not only the thinking subjects but also the thought-objects of theological reflection. In order to explain pilgrim theology, the author provides an analysis of 'paradigm shifts', as these shifts have led to the development of praxis-oriented pilgrim theology, which is said to be effective to deal with various crucial problems that the church faces today. One of the important characteristics of Jesus community, based on the Gospel of Luke, is its 'pilgrim theology'. To facilitate effective understanding, the author undertakes its analysis from various angles and its contextualization, especially from the pluralistic Indian milieu.


Jose A. Pulickal, Dynamics of Jesus Community: Towards the Discipleship in Lucan Theology, Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation, 2007, pages xxvi + 345, ISBN: 81-7086-420-9.




How to Cite

Samji Vadakedam. (2007). Dynamics of Jesus Community: Towards the Discipleship in Lucan Theology. Journal of Dharma, 32(4), 413–415. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/900