Bharath, the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Buddha, well renowned for her non-violence (ahimsa) and tolerance world over, has become "Bloody India" in the eyes of the world community (Time March 11, 2002). The horrendous torching of the kar sevaks (Hindu activists) in the train at Godhra while returning from the holy site at Ayodhya (Feb 27, 20Q2), and the following frenzy of slaughter of innocent Muslims and the destruction of their properties show how religious fundamentalism can acquire diabolic proportions beyond wild imaginations possible. The people who perpetrated the Gujarath violence wounded the very pride and identity of the nation in its own eyes and those of the civilized nations.
Joann Wolski Conn, ed., Women Spirituality: Resources for Christian Development (New York: Paulist Press, 1986), p.49
Beatrice Bruteau, "Nee-Feminism and the Next Revolution of Consciousness," Anima 3/2(Spring 1977):1
isabeth Schussler Fiorenza, In Memory of Her (New York: Crossroad, 1984)
Chidis Denis Isizoh, "Reflection on Tribal Values," Indian Journal of Spirituality 1111(1998); 123-12
Frithof Capra, The Tao of Physics (Shambhala: New Science Library, 1985
Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History (New York; Oxford University Press, 1972), 89f
J. Desrochers, Social Movements: Towards a Perspective (Bangalore: Centrefor Social Action, 1991); a.Shah, "The Human Rights Movement in Indian: A Critical Overview," Social Action 40(1990): 2ff
Rajni Kothari, In Search of Human Governance (Delhi: Ajanta Publishers, 1998), 49 -53
Xavier Jrudayaraj, ed. Liberation and Dialogue (Bangalore: Claretian Publications, 1989), 120.
Samuel Rayan, "Spirituality for Inter-Faith Social Action", in Xavier Irudayaraj, ed. Liberation and Dialogue (Bangalore: Claretian Publications, 1989),70.
Paul F. Knitter, One Earth and Many Religions (New York: Orbis Books, 1996); 163.
Wilfred Felix, Liberating Dialogue in India, The German translation in Befreiender Dialog-Befreite Gesellschaft: Politische Theologie und Begegnung der Religionen in lndien und Europa. Ed. Sybille Frish-Oppermann (Loccum: Evangelische Akademie, 1994),37.
N.Palerasu, Gandhian Grass-root Communities, 1991. Non-published project description formulated in October, 1991. Quoted in Knitter, 171
R. Panikkar, The Dream of an Indian Ecclesiology in Gewin van Leeuwen, ed., Searching for an Indian Ecclesiology (Bangalore: ATC, 1984), 50