
  • Saju Chackalackal Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)


Worship, Divine-human, Crisis situation, Metanoia, Hinduism, Catholics, Church liturgy’


If religion is a reality that epitomizes the Divine-human encounter in the human milieu, worship is one of those essential activities that accentuates the said encounter. Our life here on earth is full of encounters: humancosmic, human-human, and human-Divine. Interestingly, religion brings an integral and integrating dimension to all these encounters. It is believed that spontaneous involvement in worship presupposes and inspires a reciprocal relationship between/among all the parties involved, including the Divine. This activity, therefore, brings about an affirmation (or, a reaffirmation) of the worth of all concerned. Worship being a human activity, it is natural to religiously oriented persons and groups to evolve patterns of religious worship. These patterns, in turn, are expected to facilitate meaningful human existence, effective bonding of in-group members, and development of an all-inclusive religious consciousness against the background of many people subscribing to other substitutes, religious, secular, or superstitious.

Author Biography

Saju Chackalackal, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)

Chief Editor


Evelyn Underhill, Worship, New York: Crossroad, 1982, 18.

Duncan Forrester, James I. H. McDonald, and Gian Tellini, Encounter with God, Edinburgh: T. T. Clark Limited, 1983, 169.

Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966, 62.

Forrester, McDonald, and Tellini, Encounter with God, 163-164.

Worship and Secular Man, London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1973, 16.

Henry George, Social Problems, in MacGregor, The Rhythm of God: A Philosophy of Worship, New York: Crossroad, 1974, 63.

Jeroslav Pelikan, The Vindication of Tradition, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984, 65.

M. Francis Mannion, “Liturgy and the Present Crisis of Culture,” in Liturgy and Spirituality in Context, Eleanor Bernstein, ed. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1990, 7.




How to Cite

Chackalackal, S. (2006). TRENDS IN RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. Journal of Dharma, 31(3), 277–288. Retrieved from