My Experience with Clean Himalaya


  • Jose Karakunnel Samanvaya Theological College


God, Nature


"In the Western tradition, there is an old metaphor called the two books ofGod that expresses the different ways to access the mystery of God. God
has given us the Bible as well as the book of nature to know Him."J TheBook of Nature is the book that is written by God, whereas the books ofthe Bible are written by human authors under divine inspiration, accordingto Catholic theology. It is, however, shocking to note that desecration ofthe holy scriptures of any religion is responded with thousand protests, butthe desecration of the second holy book, the nature goes unnoticed. Ifanybody helps to clean a holy place, it is considered a noble work and theybelieve that they will get a reward from God. The pity is that nobodyworries about dirtying nature, which also has God's presence in it. No oneworries about making our surroundings unclean by throwing waste, plasticand garbage. Very few people understand God's presence in everything, asit was understood in ancient times.

Author Biography

Jose Karakunnel, Samanvaya Theological College

Jose Karakunnel CMI is a young seminarian doing theological studies at the
Samanvaya Theological College, Rishikesh.


Florio, "A Second Naivety in the Contemplation of Nature," Third Millennium 13,4 (October-December 2010),6-19,6.

Nehring Andreas, Ecology A Theological Response, Madras: Gurukul Lutheran Theological College,1993, 186.

BoffLeonardo, Ecology and Liberation, New York: Orbis Books, 1995,47.




How to Cite

Karakunnel, J. . (2011). GOD IN NATURE: My Experience with Clean Himalaya. Journal of Dharma, 36(3), 323–330. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/551