
  • James Narithookil Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)


Islam, Culture, Life


Islam provides a harmonious balance in the life of human beings by putting together the worldly life and spiritual life side by side. This world has been meant for man and everything in it has been made subservient to him. Life in Islam is viewed into one whole life – a life of complete submission to God1 in order to earn His pleasure with the hope of Divine Reward. A human person has to live his/her life on earth within the limits ordained by God with the realization that at the end, one would be judged according to the manner he/she uses the period of the short sojourn. God should occupy the central position in the thought and actions of human beings. “Nothing is the life of this world but play and amusement. But best is the Home in the Hereafter, for those who are righteous. Will you not then understand?”2 This concept develops the spiritual and moral life of a human person and seeks to refine every fiber of individual’s aspect of life and one’s social environment with the healthiest and noblest moral standard.

Author Biography

James Narithookil, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)

James Narithookil cmi, an expert on and an enthusiastic teacher of Islamic Studies at many a Catholic institution in various parts of India, holds two master’s degrees in Islamic Thought, one from Aligharh Muslim University, UP, and another from McGill University, Montreal, Canada.


The Holy Qur’an, Surat Al-An’am.




How to Cite

Narithookil, J. (2005). ISLAM AND CULTURE OF LIFE. Journal of Dharma, 30(1), 73–80. Retrieved from