A Study Based on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Code of Canon Law


  • James Mathew Pampara Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)


Diaconate, Equal Rights, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, Rights and Duties of Christian Faithful, Women Ordination


Pope Francis, while answering the questions during the final session of the Union of International Superiors' General's (UISG) meeting held in Rome in May 2016, said that he would like to study through the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith whether there could be ordained deaconesses in the Catholic Church. This answer has created a renewed interest among many within and outside the Catholic Church to look into the Canon Law of the Catholic Church to see the place and role of women in it. The Code of Canon Law (1983) of the Latin Church and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (1990) have articulated the fundamental rights and duties of every Christian faithful in the Catholic Church. This study examines critically and creatively the place and role of women in the Catholic Church, examining the long way in her understanding of the fundamental rights of women and the post-Vatican II reform of her canon law; now the Church places women on par with men regarding the fundamental rights and duties.

Author Biography

James Mathew Pampara, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)

Dr James Mathew Pampara CMI is Associate Professor of Canon Law and Latin in the Institute of Oriental Canon Law, DVK, Bengaluru. He has completed his Doctorate (2007) in Oriental Canon Law from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome with specialization in Penal Law and Penal Procedure. He has also specialized in Medieval Latin (Oxford University, UK) and Jurisprudence (Rota Romana, Vatican). He was the Postulator General of the CMI Congregation (2004-2007), the Director of the Institute of Oriental Canon Law (2009-2012) and the Vice President of the Oriental Canon Law Society of India (2010-2013.

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How to Cite

Mathew Pampara, J. (2016). FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF WOMEN IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: A Study Based on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Code of Canon Law. Journal of Dharma, 41(4), 389–414. Retrieved from