Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah: Ethical Imperatives for Indian Political Society

Sonalika Chaturvedi and R B Dangwal


  • Sonalika Chaturvedi and R B Dangwal


Ethics, Accountability, Development Politics, Marginalized Communities, Governance, Dharma, Disaster, Nature


This paper examines the ethical responsibilities and accountability within the realm of developmental politics, drawing insights from the novel Dweepa: Island by Kannada writer Na. D’Souza, with an English translation by Susheela Punitha. It illuminates the profound impact of governmental negligence on marginalized communities and highlights the disconnect between development agendas and the obligations of governing bodies. The central focus of the study is to uncover the consequences when political promises are unfulfilled and ethical duties are violated. It enumerates upholding ‘dharma’ as a measure to the political problematics, highlighting its timeless significance as a moral compass. The paper’s significance lies in its relevance to contemporary global development politics, contributing to a deeper understanding of the ethical foundation of governance and fostering a broader discourse on ethics and accountability. The findings pave the way for a more responsible and equitable future in the realm of politics and development.



How to Cite

Sonalika Chaturvedi and R B Dangwal. (2024). Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah: Ethical Imperatives for Indian Political Society: Sonalika Chaturvedi and R B Dangwal. Journal of Dharma, 48(03). Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/4230