
  • Hsiang-Yuan Tsai YUNTECH


Home Environment, Ethical Caring, Nel Noddings, Residential Space, Interior Design Industry, Ethical Societies


Adoption of the case study method, this study discusses the residential Interior design and the ethics of care that share common concerns: relation, conversation, and home. These commonalities help designers think and act with the ethics of care. With empathy and care for the user, the builder, and the home environment, design methods and techniques are used to make the home space a place where people can recognise and practice caring ethics and where the caring environment of the home becomes the foundation of a moral society. Therefore, besides being people-centred, residential interior design should have the ethics of care as its core value to meet the needs of individuals, families, and society.


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How to Cite

Tsai, H.-Y. (2023). ETHICS OF CARE AS A CORE VALUE OF THE RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR DESIGN INDUSTRY. Journal of Dharma, 48(1), 65–84. Retrieved from