Kāmasūtra’s Morality of Integrated Puruṣārtha


  • Vikas N Prabhu CHRIST (Deemed to be Universtiy)


Dharma, Kama, Kamasuthra, Morality, Puruṣārtha


Sexuality has been one of the biggest human preoccupations, hence the usage of several sexual analogies to understand the world around us. For instance, ancient cults believed rain to be the seminal seed of the heavens, and the Earth’s seasonal cycles were compared with menstruation in women.1 Sexuality has commanded a significant share in the human discourse of every century, either in the eagerness to explore it, or through fervent attempts to define it, or in the struggles to suppress or sublimate it. If the beginnings of literature in the West saw sexuality embellished in erotic themes of Homer, Hesiod and Ovid, the ancients of the East were no less enthusiastic in their amorous dispositions.

Author Biography

Vikas N Prabhu, CHRIST (Deemed to be Universtiy)

Vikas N. Prabhu is a Research Scholar at Christ University, Bangalore, India, specializing in the area of Business Ethics. Currently, he is research assistant at India, a Geneva-based voluntary organization, in creating a comprehensive online open-access library on Hindu ethics. His other areas of interest include environmental and sexual ethics.


Clifford Bishop, Sex and Spirit, London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 1996, 16.

Vern L. Bullough, Sexual Variance in Society and History, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1976, 282.

Thomas Moore, The Soul of Sex: Cultivating Life as an Act of Love, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1998, 42.

Ivo Fiser, Indian Erotics of the Oldest Period, Praha: Universita Karlova, 1967, reprint ed., New Delhi: Gaurav Publishing House, 1989, 44.

B. Kuppuswamy, Elements of Ancient Indian Psychology, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1985, 237.

Haran Chandra Chakladar, Social Life in Ancient India: Study in Vātsyāyana's Kāmasūtra, New Delhi: Cosmo Publication, 1984, 4 and 177;

Ṛgveda X.10, Ṛgveda X.61.5.9 and Ṛgveda X.162.5Vātsyāyana, The Complete Kāma Sūtra: The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text by Vātsyāyana Including the Jayamangalā Commentary from the Sanskrit by Yashodhara and Extracts from the Hindi Commentary by Devadatta Shāstrā, trans. Alain Daniélou, Vermont: Inner Traditions India, 1994.

Shaji George Kochuthara, “Kāma without Dharma? Understanding the Ethics of Pleasure in Kāmasūtra,” Journal of Dharma 34, 1 (January-March 2009), 69-95, 91.

John W. Spellman, “Introduction” to The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, by Vatsyayana, trans. Richard F. Burton, New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2009, 23.

A. M. Shastri, India as Seen in the Kuttanimata of Damodara Gupta, Varanasi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1996, 181.

Saju Chackalackal, Editorial: “Sex and Religion: Contemporary Responses,” Journal of Dharma 34, 1 (January-March 2009), 3-18, 5.

Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, volume 1: The Will to Knowledge, trans. Robert Hurley. Victoria: Penguin Group (Australia), 2008, 57-69.




How to Cite

Prabhu, V. N. . (2013). THE DHARMA OF KĀMA: Kāmasūtra’s Morality of Integrated Puruṣārtha. Journal of Dharma, 38(1), 23–38. Retrieved from