Ecclesiam Suam – Pushing out the Boat


  • Gavin D'Costa University of Bristol


Catholic, Dialogue, Ecclesiam Suam, Magisterium, Muslim, Paul VI, Personalism


I will touch on two issues in this paper: first, the meaning and ambiguity of the word ‘dialogue’ and how it has caused problems in actual interreligious ‘dialogue’ with Islam; and second, and more substantially, I shall offer some thoughts on the doctrinal achievements of Ecclesiam Suam and the Council’s teachings on Islam and some subsequent developments. This is because I am convinced that the doctrinal achievements are central for mapping out the future possibilities of Catholic-Muslim dialogue. There are of course many other topics that one could speak of in Catholic-Muslim relations: most importantly the richness of spiritual exchange between these traditions;1 or sadly, the murdering of each other in some parts of the world, or the denial of free practice of religion by Muslims towards Catholics and Christians in parts of the world, or happily, the remarkable socio-political cooperation between Catholics and Muslims when faced with pressing and often tragic social problems. But I will focus on the theological-doctrinal issues for the reason given.

Author Biography

Gavin D'Costa, University of Bristol

Dr Gavin D'Costa is the Professor of Catholic Theology at the University of Bristol, Great Britain. He was Head of the Theology & Religious Studies Department (2002 - 2006), and has lectured at Bristol since 1993.


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Anthony M Barratt, in Heythrop Journal 49.5, 2008, 889-890.

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Jacques Maritain, Redeeming the Time, London: Geoffrey Bles, 1943, 108-09.

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Francesco DeGoia, ed., Interreligious Dialogue: the Official Teaching of the Catholic Church from the Second Vatican Council to John Paul II (1963-2005), Boston: Pauline Books & Media, 2006, 159.

Stephen Bullivant, “Sine Culpa. Vatican II and Inculpable Ignorance,” Theological Studies, 72, 2011, 70-86.

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Andrew Unsworth, A Historical and Textual-Critical Analysis of the Magisterial Documents of the Catholic Church on Islam: Towards a Heterodescriptive Account of Muslim Belief and Practice, Doctoral Dissertation, London: Heythrop College, 2007.

Gregory VII, Letter III, 21 to Anazir [Al-Nasir], King of Mauretania PL, 148.451A;

“Vatican Council And Papal Statements On Islam” (May 2014): <http://www.usccb.org/beliefs- and-teachings/ecumenical-and-interreligious/interreligious/islam/ vatican-council-and-papal-statements-on-islam.cfm (1 May 2014).

Jean Daniélou, God and the Ways of Knowing, Cleavland, Ohio: Meridian Books, 1957.

Riccardo Lombardi, The Salvation of the Unbeliever, trans., Dorothy M. White, London: Burns & Oates, 1956.

Mikka Ruokanen, Catholic Doctrine of Non-Christian Religions: According to the Second Vatican Council, Leiden: Brill, 1992, 77; and D’Costa, The Meeting of the Religions and the Trinity, New York: Orbis Books, 2000, 102-03.

Gavin D’Costa, Vatican II: Catholic Doctrines on Jews and Muslims, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 178-210.

David Marshall, "Roman Catholic Approaches to the Qur'an since Vatican II," Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 25:1, 2014, 89-100;

Muhammad: "Muhammad in Contemporary Christian Theological Reflection, Islam and Christian– Muslim Relations," 24:2, 2013, 161-172. ]

Christian W. Troll, "Changing Catholic views of Islam" in Jacques Waardenburg, ed., Islam and Christianity: Mutual Perceptions since the Mid 20th Century, Leuven: Peeters Press, 1998, 19–77.

Francesco Goia, ed., Interreligious Dialogue: The Official Teaching of the Catholic Church from the Second Vatican Council to John Paul II (1963–1995), Boston: Pauline Books & Media, 1997.

Thomas Michel, S. J., "Where to Now? Ways forward for Interreligious Dialogue: Images of Abraham as Models of Interreligious Encounter," The Muslim World, 100, 4, 2010, 530–538.

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John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, London: Jonathan Cape, 1994, 92.




How to Cite

D’Costa, G. (2018). DIALOGUE WITH ISLAM: Ecclesiam Suam – Pushing out the Boat. Journal of Dharma, 43(4), 391–412. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/286