The Genetic Perspective (In Memoriam Jean Piaget, 1896-1980)


  • Thomas Kesselring Educational University


Adualism, Cooperation, Decentration, Egocentrism, Self-Awareness, Respect, Social Interaction, Stage Theory in Piaget


The image of myself, the way how I view others and how they view me, profoundly influence each other. Their interaction is an essential basis for mutual respect. I’ll investigate their genesis from the perspective of Developmental Psychology, because it gives an overview over the intellectual and emotional prerequisites for social understanding and an insight into the underlying development principles. The analysis is based on the work of Jean Piaget, a 20th century giant in Developmental Psychology. Special emphasis is given to his considerations on egocentrism and its dissolution – decentration. It will be shown how and why between birth and adulthood the images of self and others undergo profound changes. What initially was a “me” becomes a person and then a personality.

Author Biography

Thomas Kesselring, Educational University

Dr Thomas Kesselring has taught Philosophy and Ethics in Brazil, El Salvador, Germany, Mozambique and Switzerland. He is a retired Professor of the Educational University in Berne, Switzerland.


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Martin L. Hoffman, Empathy and Moral Development: Implication for Caring and Justice, Cambridge: University Press 2000, 64 ff.

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Jean Piaget, Intelligence and Affectivity: Their Relationship During Child Development, Palo Alto: Annual Reviews Inc., 1981, 8.

Jean Piaget, The naissance de l’intelligence chez l’enfant, Neuchâtel : delachaux et Niestlé 1936, 133; Piaget, L’équlibration, 28.

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Jean Piaget, La naissance, 24, 137, 189. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Phänomenologie des Geistes, Hamburg: Meiner 1962, 74.

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Michael Tomasello, Origins of Human Communication, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 2008, 74, 78, 179ff., 194f.

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Jean Piaget, Le jugement moral chez l‘enfante, Paris: Presse universitaires de France 1932, 281, 303.

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Jerome Kagan, The Nature of the Child, New York: Basic Books, 1984, 196.

Bärbel Inhelder and Jean Piaget, The Growth of Logical Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence, London: Routledge 1958 [orig. 1955], 340.

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Jean-Claude Bringuier, Conversations libres avec Jean Piaget, Paris: Robert Laffont 1977, 91f., 196.




How to Cite

Kesselring, T. (2018). SELF-AWARENESS, SELF-ESTEEM, AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS: The Genetic Perspective (In Memoriam Jean Piaget, 1896-1980). Journal of Dharma, 43(2), 121–150. Retrieved from