A Modem Introduction to Indian Logic


  • V K Bharadwaja dvk


A Modem Introduction to Indian Logic


This absorbingly interesting book comprises eleven chapters in- cluding the one numbered V-A. There is an historical introduction pp. 1-13) followed by a discussion on the notion of pramana (pp. 14-22) and on knowledge and language (pp. 23-42). The third and the forth chapters analyse judgements, propositions and functions (pp 43-62) and identify Indian counterparts of several truth-functional operators in Indian Logic. The theory of definition and the concept of upddbi also are discussed here (pp. 63-71). The next three chapters are devoted to a detailed discussion on negation (pp. 72-86), samanya (pp. 87-95) and the logic of relations (pp. 96-110). The two chapters that follow are excellent essays on the theory of in- ference (pp. 111-161), and the inductive elements in Indian Logic (pp. 162-183).


S.S. Barlingay, A Modem Introduction to Indian Logic New Second Delhi: Edition, National xviii+231 pp. Publishing House, 1976,



How to Cite

V K Bharadwaja. (1976). A Modem Introduction to Indian Logic. Journal of Dharma, 1(4), 406–408. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/1921