Encounter Between Hinduism and Christianity


  • Thomas Mampra CSWR, Dharmaram


Middle Ages, Gnanopadesa Kurippidam, Precepts of Jesus


Encounters between one religion and another have been constant phenomenon in India for centuries, at first among Indian religions themselves and later between Indian and other religions. However, today, the meeting of religions is a more common feature, as the world is gradually growing smaller and smaller, and every man is becoming the neighbour of everyone else. All the same, one cannot minimize the need for encounters among religions, as all of them are obliged, one way or other, to meet the challenge posed by a growing secularism, materialism and atheism. Scholars like Raymond Panikkar and others are of the opinion that religions are moving towards an encounter not merely on account of the present irreligious wave, but also because of their inner dynamism, both intellectual and existential; intellectually, because no religion can claim to have deciphered fully the mystery of man and God; existentially, because man himself suffers more and more the attraction as well as the repulsion of other religions. The meeting of religions is a vital religious problem. A missionary zeal without knowledge and love, would lead to disastrous consequences. A proud isolation without regard for others would be impious selfishness and cause the ruin of one's own religion.

Author Biography

Thomas Mampra, CSWR, Dharmaram

Centre for the Study of World Religions, Dharmaram College, Bangalore.


Panikkar, Raymond. Worship and Secular Man. New York: Orbis Books, 1973.

Otto, Rudolf. The Idea of the Holy. London: Oxford University, 1923.

Neil, Stephen. Christian Faith and other Faiths. London: Oxford University, 1961.

Cragg, Kenneth. Christianity in World Perspective. London: Lutterworth, 1968.

Tisserant, Eugene. Eastern Christianity in India. Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1957.

Mundadan, A. M. Tradition of the St Thomas Christians. Bangalore: Dharmaram, 1970.

Podipara, P. J. The Thomas Christians. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1970.




How to Cite

Mampra, T. (1976). Encounter Between Hinduism and Christianity. Journal of Dharma, 1(3), 246–266. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/1917