
  • Lawrence E Frizzell Seton Hall University




The Catholic theology of mission was expressed in various documents of the Council, especially in the Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity (Ad Gentes) of December 7, 1965. Critical selfexamination in the wake of the Council has alerted many Catholics to the need for inner conversion as a response to "living change." The malaise felt with regard to earlier missionary efforts may be studied in the context of Nostra Aetate and Vatican documents of recent years.


On the absence of a reference to the bond between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel, see SIDIC 8 (No. 2, 1975) pp. 33-35.

Leon Klenicki, "The Guidelines: A Jewish Point of View." Face-to-Face (ADL, New York) 1 (Summer 1975) pp. 10-13.

Joseph Lookstein, "The Vatican and the Jews 1975 ' Tradition 15 (SpringSummer 1975) pp. 5-24.

Henry Siegman, "Ten Years and Two Documents Their Significance.' SIDIC 8 (No. 3, 1975)pp. 4-12.

"De Dialogo cum non credentibus" Acta-Apostolìcae Sedis 60 (1968) pp. 692-704.

The Pope Speaks 13 (1968-69) pp. 364-376;

"Reflections and Suggestions on Ecumenical Dialogue," The Pope Speaks 15 (1970-71) pp. 418-431

Peder Borgen, "God's Agent in the Fourth Gospel," Religions in Antiquity (editor Jacob Neusner), Leiden: Brill, 1968, pp. 137-148.

James McPolin, "Mission in the Fourth Gospel," Irish Theological Quarterly 36 (1969) pp. 113- 122. J.

Radermakers, "Mission et apostolat dans l' Evangile johannique," Studia Evangelica 2 (Berlin 1964) pp. 100-121.

Rudolf Schnackenburg, The Gospel According to St. John, New York: Herder and Herder, 1968, Volume l, pp. 465-466

André Feuillet, "Réflexions d'actualité sur les recherches exégétiques" Revue Thomiste 71 (1971) p. 252

André Feuillet, "Réflexions d'actualité sur les recherches exégétiques" Revue Thomiste 71 (1971) p. 252

Raymond E. Brown, The Gospel According to St. John (Garden City, Doubleday, Volume 2, 1971), p. 769




How to Cite

Frizzell, L. E. (1981). A CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION ON MISSION. Journal of Dharma, 6(2), 141–150. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/1835