
  • Peter Antes Hannover University


Iran, Religion, Remaking, Western Civilization, The Islamic State, Just, Powerful, Shi'ite Vision


The main goal of Shah Reza Pahlavi's effort was to lead Iran from a medieval society to a super modern standard of living within a very short period of time. His attempts failed because huge demonstrations led by Ayatollahs and Mullahs made him leave the country in 19791 and they have established since, the Islamic Republic of Iran. The change itself is known as the Islamic Revolution, which in the eyes of many Iranians is claimed to be the first real revolution of the
third world because it is neither western nor communist.


Shahrough Akhavi : Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran, Albany 1980.

Gilles Anquetil: La terre a bouge en Iran, Paris 1979.

Werner Ende Die Mullahs und die Macht. Zur Rolle der Schia in der Geschichte lrans, in Journal fuer Geschichte 1/4 (1979), pp. 2-7.

Michael K. J. Fischer: Iran: from Religious Dispute to Revolution, Cambridge/Mass. 1980.

C. M. de Moor/ W. M. Floor (Ed.): de iraanse revolutie. Achtergronden, Nijmegen 1980.

Revolution in Iran und Afghanistan, ed. by Berliner Institute fuer VergJeichende Sozialforschung, Frankfurt a.M. 1980.

Wolfgang Behn : The Revolution of the Pen: Iranian underground publications, 1963 to 1978, in Middle Eastern Studies. A Felicitation Volume for Professor J. D. Pearson, ed. by B. C. Bloomfield, Mansell 1980, pp. 13-22.

Sayad Mujtaba Rukni Musawi Lari: Western Civilization through Muslim Eyes, Guildford, 1977. p. 26.

AI-i Ahmad Djalal : Gharb zadagi, Teheran 1341/1962, esp. p. 36 and Arnold Hottinger: Islamische Revolution? Die Muslims im Konflikt mit der westlichen Moderne, in Merkur XXXIII (March 1979), pp. 203-216.

Rudolf Gelpke : Orogen und Seelenerweiterung, Muenchen, 4th ed. 1975, p, 16.

Abol-Hassan Banis-adr (President of the Islamic Republic of Iran): Quelle revolution pour i'Iran? Paris 1980 pp. 333-336.

John Wansbrough: Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation, London 1977.

Peter Antes: Zur Theologle der schi'a. Eine Untersuchung des Gami' al-astar wa-manba' al-anwar von Sayyid Haidar Amoli, Freiburg i.Br, 1971 p. 3ss.

Wilferd Madelung: Imamism and Mu'tazilite Theology, in Le Shi'isme Imamite. Colloque de Strasbourg (6-9 mai 1968), Paris 1970, pp. 13-29.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Khomeyni : Pour un gouvernernent islamique Paris 1979, p. 117.

Ayatollah Khomeiny: Principles politiques, philosophiques, sociaux et religeiux. Extraits de trois ouvrages majeurs de l'ayatollah, Paris 1979, p. 25.

Antes; Per Is~m als politischer Faktor, Hannover 1980.

Yann Richard: Le Shi'isme an Iran. Imam et Revolution, Paris 1980.

E. A. Doroschenko : Schiitskoe Duchoventsvo v Sovrennom Irane, Moskva 1966.

in Islam to many Muslims, cf. Fu'ad Muhammad Fakhr ai-din: Mustakbal al-muslimin, Cairo 1976, p. 252.

; Cf. for ex. AIy A. Roest Crollius: II risvegiio dell' Islam in un mondo pluralista, in Civilta CattoJica 131 (1980) pp. 117-132.

Khalil Samir: Khomeini e.i. "Fratelli musulmani". Un ritorno integrale alle radici dell' J~~m,in Civilta Cattolica 131 (1980), pp. 445-458.




How to Cite

Antes, P. (1980). IRAN - AN ISLAMIC EXAMPLE FOR RELIGIONS IN THE RE-MAKING. Journal of Dharma, 5(4), 372–379. Retrieved from