Life Divine in the Theistic Theologies of Hinduism


  • Ted J Soloman dvk


Philosophy, Ramanuja, Theistic Philosophy, Qualified Dualism, Life Divine


Ramanuja's philosophical theological position is known as Qualified (or modified Non-dualism (Visispiidvaita). This is the view that ultimate
reality (the personal God Brahman) is a unity but within the unity there are qualifications or distinctions. God (Brahman) is qualified by the plurality of souls (atmans) and the phenomenal world which together constitute the body (Sarira) of God. There is identity as well as difference between
God, the souls, and the world.


Brahma Satra 2,1.28 SBE 34.352.
Solid discussions of Madhva's philosophy: T.P. Ramachandran, Dvaita Vedanta and K. Narain, An Outline of Madhva Philosophy.
Bharatan Kurnarappa, Hindu Conception of the Deily, p. xix,
Rudolf Otto, India's Religion of Grace and Christianity Compared And Contrasted, pp. 117-118.
Otto, op. cit., p. 25.
For Madhva's view that God is known in scripture, see K. Narain, op. cit. p. 121.
Vedarthasamgraha, para. 138, p. 294.




How to Cite

Ted J Soloman. (1987). Life Divine in the Theistic Theologies of Hinduism. Journal of Dharma, 12(4), 354–369. Retrieved from