A Yoga for Liberation: Ramanuja's Approach


  • Francis Vadakethala dvk


The Yoga of Work, Karmayoga, The Yoga of Devotion, Bakthiyoga


According to Ramanuja, and the Indian way of thinking in general, the association of the individual self with the body is considered to be a bondage. It is a bondage because it restricts the freedom of the self which is essentially spiritual and God- like. By itself the individual self is capable of participating in the divine bliss; but because of the body which is of material nature (prakrti), it becomes attached to matter and to the pleasures and pains arising from the material nature. Body is, thus, the bondage of the self. Though essentially eternal and blissful, existentially the individual self is in bondage.


A.G. Krishna Warrier, The Concept of Mukthi in Advaita-Vedanta (Madras: University Press, 1961).

J.A.B. Van Buitinen in Ramanuja on the Bhagavadgita (Delhi: Motilal Benarsidas, 1968) pp. 177-182.

Essays on Gita ( Calcutta: Arya Publishing House, 1922) p.38.

Concordant Discord (Oxford: Clarenden Press) p.132.

Samadi, (Yogasutra, I.2)

Mircea Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom (2nd Edition London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1969) p. 97.

Bhagavadgita, R.C. Zaehner's edition and English version (Oxford: Clarenden Press).

BG. (New York: Harper and Row,1964; first published in 1944 as Vol.38 in the Harvard Oriental Series) p.159.

N.S. Anantharangachar, The Phiosophy of Sadhana in Vishistadvaita p.104.




How to Cite

Francis Vadakethala. (1977). A Yoga for Liberation: Ramanuja’s Approach. Journal of Dharma, 2(1), 35–53. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/1748