Co-Existence and Tolerance in Multi-Religious Contexts


  • V V John University of Jodhpur




When I accepted the invitation to participate in this Conference  on "The Role of Religion in National Integration," I had not  bargained for figuring so early in the programme. Scanning the impressive roster of theologians, philosophers and social scientists invited to the conference, a layman like me could legitimately count on getting by without attracting too much attention. Not that I am dismayed or discouraged by being surrounded by so much scholarly capability. Being almost a founding member of the seminar-culture  of this country, I had long ago arrived at the finding that the poet did not quite get it right when he warned us that "A little learning is a dangerous thing." Maybe it is dangerous in certain contexts, but not so in the national capital, even when we call ourselves an international conference. In other words, there is always room, in Delhi for persons like me and our sort of learning or lack thereof.






How to Cite

John, V. V. (1983). Co-Existence and Tolerance in Multi-Religious Contexts. Journal of Dharma, 8(4), 341–346. Retrieved from