Sri Aurobindo and Whitehead on the Nature of God


  • George Nordgulen DVK


Sri Aurobindo, Whitehead, Nature of God


The progress of dialogue between various cultures and religions is still in its infancy. There is a need to deal with specific issues and to grapple with specific concepts from the different traditions if we are to understand and appreciate one another. It is for this reason that Dr. Singh's book on "Sri Aurobindo and Whitehead on the Nature of God" is so important. He engages himself in seeking to be fair in expressing each man's position; to be incisive and revealing in his comparisons and analysis of the two, and to set them' in an historical framework to show their continuity and discontinuity with' other thinkers. He has selected prominent thinkers from the East and West and sought to engage. them .in serious dialogue. The criticisms that are raised below are secondary to the larger task of involving our selves in a world-wide dialogue. The need for a creative transformation of the various traditions so that we can see more unity among the various cultures of the world is only too obvious.


S.P. Singh, Sri Aurobindo and Whitehead on the Nature of God, Aligarh. Vigyan Prakashan, 1972, 183 pp.




How to Cite

George Nordgulen. (1978). Sri Aurobindo and Whitehead on the Nature of God. Journal of Dharma, 3(2), 195–202. Retrieved from