Sruti and Apauruseya : An Approach to Religious Scriptures and Revelation


  • Purushottama Bilimoria dvk


word as revelation in scripture, Revelation, Vedas as apauruseya, Sruti, Apauruseya, Methodology and role of Isvara (God) in sruti


This article is part of a larger project on the problem of how word can be a means of knowing, which is popularly known as the thesis of sabda-pramana in Indian philosophy, and which has not hitherto received the systematic treatment that I have attempted in my work. The question, while being put philosophically, is not without its bearing in the context of religion and religious studies, especially as regards the status and sanction given to religious scriptures and to revelation in almost any tradition.


R. Panikkar,"Words and Terms", Lnstit uto di studi filosofici , Rome, 1980.

Rigveda (1.164.46)

Ian Kesarcodi-Watson "Hindu Metaphysics and Its philosophies: Sruti and Darsana", in International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XVIII,No.4, Dec. 1978, pp. 413-432; p. 416.

D. Venkatramiah, trs. Gaekward's Oriental Series, Baroda, 1940 (No. LXXXIX), .Sastradipika , cf. 63. p. 96.

Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience-Mantramanjari ; An Anthology of the Vedas for Modern Man and Contemporary Celebrations (University of California Press, Berkeley, L.A. 1977), p.92.

Taittirt a Brahmana II.8 8.S.

Sankara in his commentary on The Bhagavad Gila, ch. XVIII, in conclusion,p. 515, tr. by Alladi Mahadeva Sastry, The Bhagavad Gila with the Commentary of Sri Sankaracharya, (Samata Books, Madras, 1977).

Hiriyanna, Outline of Indian Philosophy; [Bombay: Allen Unwin, 1973,p. 181 ff'.] Hiriyanna quotes Anandajnsna's gloss on saftkara's commentary on Brh. Up. (p. 8):

Vedanta Paribhasa by Dharmarajadhvarindra, (Adyar Library and ResearchCentre, 1942. ed. S. S. Suryanarayon sastri), Ch. IV or Asama, verses 49ff.




How to Cite

Purushottama Bilimoria. (2020). Sruti and Apauruseya : An Approach to Religious Scriptures and Revelation. Journal of Dharma, 7(3), 275–282. Retrieved from

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