Holiness (Qds) in the Quranic Language


  • Ary A Roest Crollius Gregorian University, Rome


Holiness, Quran


In the present study, an attempt will be made to clarify the meaning of forms derived from the root QDS, just as they occur in the Qur'an. The method followed will be that of reading various texts which contain forms of the root QDS, both within their immediate and their wider context. The immediate context is the Qurã'n itself. The wider context is constituted by the exegetical tradition. l A study of a limited number of forms — all counted only ten — can only be a modest contribution to the Qur'änic sciences. The particularities of the forms in question, however, call for a closer investigation. Moreover, the various elements present in the basic meaning of QDS in the Qur'an might justify the publication of an inquiry such as the present one in a collection of studies on " Holiness. "


Abü-Ga'far Muhammad b. Garir al-Tabari (224/839-310/923), Gami'-al-bayänfï tafsïr-al-Qur'än (ed. Cairo 3 1388 1968;

abbr. : TABARD; Abû-l-Qãsim Mahmüd b. 'Umar alZamahsarï (467 / 1075-538/1 144), Al-kassãf'an haqã'iq-al-tanzïl wa 'u)'ûn-alaqawïl (ed. Tehran n.y.;

abbr.: ZAMAHSARÎ); Abñ-'Abd-Alläh Muhammad b. 'Umar al-Razi (543/1149-606/1209), Mafãtïbal-gayb (ed. Cairo 1352/ 1933;

abbr.: RÄZfr, AOñ-'Abd-Allãh Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Qurtubj (d. 671/1272), Al-Gãžni' li-ahkäm-al-Qur'än (ed. Cairo 1387/1967;

abbr : QURTUBÎ); 'Abd-Alläh b. 'Umar al-Baydawï (d. ca. 690/1291), Anwãr-al-tanzîl wa asrãr al- ta'b'ïl (ed. Cairo 1 305/ 1888;

abbr.: BAYPÄWÎ. 'Alâ'-al-dïn 'Ah b. Muhammad al-Hazin (678/1279-741-1340), Lubãb-al-ta'wîl fi ma'am-al-tanzïl ed. Cairo n.y.; abbr.: HÄZIN);

Muhammad R asid Ridã (d. 1354/ 1935), Tafsïr-al-Manar (ed. Cairo 19721975; abbr.: MANÄR).

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Ed. G. KITTEL. Trans]. G. W. BROMLEY. Grand Rapids 1964 etc. r, p. 89ff.

K. AHRENS, "Christliches im Qoran." ZDMG 9 (1930) 15-68; 149-190. p 32.

J. HOROVITZ, "Jewish Proper Names and Derivatives in the Koran." HUCA 2(1925) 145-227. p. 218.

R. BLACHÉRE, Le Coram Paris, Maisonneuve, 1949-1950. pp. 396, 414.

H STIEGLECKER, Die Glaubenslehren des Islam. Paderborn 1962. pp. 158ff., 672ff..

G. BOWERING, The Mystical Vision of Existence in Classical Islam. The Qur'ãnic Hermeneutics of the $üjï Sahl At-Tustarï (d. 283/896.) Berlin/ New York 1980. p. 166.

R. BLACHÈRE remarks : "On a lieu de voir ici un emprunt à l ' hébreu ou à I ' araméen." Le Coram Paris, Maisonneuve, 1949-1950.

R. BLACHÈRE, "Ce Verset et le suivant rappellent les eulogies juives, par le fond et le vocabulaire." Le Coram Paris, Maisonneuve, 1949-1950. p. 981




How to Cite

Crollius, A. A. R. (1983). Holiness (Qds) in the Quranic Language. Journal of Dharma, 8(2), 147–155. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/1570