Religion and Reason


  • D Elias University of Trivandrum


Religion, Science


There is an age-old controversy, or rather, the age-old intellectual puzzle, concerning Matter and Spirit, Body and Soul, and about Science and Religion or Reason and Revelation. No philosopher has so far succeeded in harmonizing them. This same problem of Matter and Spirit had led the famous philosopher Descartes to be absorbed in the two separate worlds of Body and Soul (dualism of Matter and Spirit); occasioned his disciples to form a theory of 'occasionalism' calling forth God's continuous interference to touch mind and body; forced Spinoza to think that both mind and body are manifestations of an absolute single substance, God or Nature (Pantheism); confined Berkeley to the world of Spirit rejecting totally the existence of Matter (Subjective Idealism); permitted Liebniz to form the doctrine of 'Preestablished harmony' between body and soul; constrained Hume to deny to existence of both mind and body including 'ego' (Agnosticism, Empiricism); and later allowed Hegel to fly into the world of Absolute Idea. In Indian Philosophy, we find the Advaitic thinker trying to establish reality of the Spirit denying reality to the material world.


"Science and Religion", in the Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion, edited by B. Bronstein (N.Y. Prentice-Hall Inc; 1954), p. 69

J.S. Huxley, Religion without Revelation (London: Ernst Benn Ltd. 1927), P. 34

C. E. M. Joad, The Recovery of Belief (London: Faber & Faber Ltd, 1951) p. 22

Thinking Towards Religion (London: Darwin Finlayson Ltd , 1957), p. 38

Science and Religion (London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1925), p. 2

Peter Anthony Bertocci, Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (New York: Boston University, Prentice-Hall Inc. 1951), p. 127

Viscount Samuel, Religion in the Modern World (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1952), p. 27

Donald Von Iversion, Higher Metaphysics (California: Debris & Co., Publishers, 1955), p. 14

George Galloway, Faith and Reason in Religion (London: Nisbet & Co., 1927).

Henry Jones, A Faith that Enquires (London : Macmillan & Co., 1 922),

Hegel, Theologische Jungend Schrißer, ed, Hermann Noh! (Tulingen: 1907) p. 28

Essential Unity of All Religions (Adayar : The Theosophical Publishing House. 1955). p. 19

William James, Essays in Pragmatism (New York Hafner Publishing Company. 1966), p. 98

Frank Thilly in A Historr of Philosophy (Allahabad: Central Book Depot, 1973). p. 90




How to Cite

Elias, D. (1983). Religion and Reason. Journal of Dharma, 8(1), 06–23. Retrieved from