Christian Involvement in Politics: Presuppositions and Resources


  • Christopher Duraisingh United Theological College, Bangalore.


Theologising politically and the definition of the public good


Underlying this presentation is the conviction that being a Chris- tian implies being involved in politics. Politics is understood herein as the process of structuring the conduct, rights and responsibilities of the constituent members of larger inter-human collectives such as a society or state to each other and the group as a whole. My conviction is rooted in certain general presuppositions regarding the nature of the human and religion.


R. Niebuhr, 'The Self and the Dramas of History, (New York: Scribners.

Applied Christianity, (New York., Meridian Books, 1959), p. 70.

Douglas Strum, "On meaning of Public good: An exploration": Journal of Religion, 58 (Jan 1978), pp. 13.

S. Chatterji (ed.), Political Prospects in India (Madras: CLS. 1971), p . 182.

Paul Lehmann, Ethics ill a Christian Context (London: SCM. 1963), p. 84.

Gordon N. Nelson, "Theology and Politics." Dialog VUI (Autumn 1969), p. 249.

"From Sine Qua Non to Cultural system," in W.H. Capps, ed.Ways of Understanding Religion, (New York: Macmillan, ]972). p. 185.

Church Dogmatics, Vol- III; 2, (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1960),p. 228.




How to Cite

Christopher Duraisingh. (1982). Christian Involvement in Politics: Presuppositions and Resources. Journal of Dharma, 7(1), 89–112. Retrieved from