
  • Robert Morgan


New Testament, Hermeneutics, Church, Faith, History


In the twenty-seven writings of the New Testament the Christian Church possesses a collection of documents from the first hundred years or so of its existence, which it uses alongside some older, mostly pre-Christian writings as its Scripture. In this context hermeneutics concerns the interpretation of these documents within this religious community. Although the Church has never used the New Testament in isolation from the Old, the question of its interpretation can be treated separately provided one remembers that for Christians its central subject-matter is the God of Israel who is held to have decisively intervened in and on behalf of his world in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.


David Kelsey, The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology, SCM Press, London, 1975.

H. von Campenhausen, The Formation a/the Christian Bible, Eng. tr. A & C Black, London, 1972.

J. Stevenson A New Eusebius, SPCK, London, 1960, pp. 91-5.

E. Troeltsch ' Religion & the Science of Religion' (1906). Eng. tr. in Ernst Troeltsch: Writings on Theology and Religion. Duckworth, London, 1977.

J. Hick, (ed.) The Myth of God Incarnate (SCM Press, London, 1977) and M. Goulder (ed.) Incarnation and Myth: The Debate Continued (SCM Press, London, 1979).

H. Frei, The Eclipse of the Biblical Narrative, Yale University Press 1974.

The Quest of the Historical Jesus, Eng. tr., London, 1910, p. 1.

J. M. Robinson, • Hermeneutic since Barth' in The New HerfMMutic ed. J. M, Robinson 81: J. B. Cobb Jr. Harper. New York, 1964.

The Problem of a Theological Exegesis of the New Testament (1925), reprinted in The Beginnings of Dialectical Theology, Eng. tr. ed. J. M. Robinson, John Knox, Virginia, 1968.

R. W. Johnson, The Origins of Demythologizing, Brill, Leiden, 1974.

Essays on New Testament Themes, SCM Press, London, 1969.




How to Cite

Morgan, R. (1980). THE NEW TESTAMENT AND HERMENEUTICS. Journal of Dharma, 5(1), 5–19. Retrieved from