A Study in the Buddhist Absolute


  • Ruben L F Habito Sophia University, Tokyo




The question of the nature of the Absolute in Buddhism remains a t topical issue, and one point immediately raised in this regard is whether it is proper at all to apply the term "Absolute," with all its connotations in Western philosophy, in referring to what is considered of ultimate value in Buddhism. l Granting the justifiability of the application with due awareness of its proper Buddhist context, questions concerning its interpretation, and further, its similarities and differences with the Judaeo-Christian notion of God or with the Brahman of Indian philosophy, etc., come up as issues of (yo scholarly interest. From within Buddhism itself, the different schools present various and sometimes contrasting approaches to what is considered of ultimate value, and these approaches in turn have bearing on the religious practice considered necessary towards its attainment.


Suzuki Daisetsu, in his Nihon —teki Reisei (Japanese Spirituality) (Tokyo :a Iwanami, 1972)

Nakamura Hajime, IHdo Shisõ no Shomondai (Various Problems in Indian Tought) (Tokyo : Shunju—sha, 1967), pp. 177-204.

Guy R. Welbon, The Buddhist Nirvãna and its Western Interpreters (Chicago : The e University of Chicago Press, 1968)

Jikido Takasaki. "Dharmatä, Dharmadhätu, Dharmakäya, and Buddhadhätu Structure of the Ultimate Value in Mahayana Buddhism," JIBS xlv (1966), 919-903.

EH. Johnston, seen through the press by T. Chowdhury (Patna : The Bihar Research Society, 1950)

D. Seyfort Ruegg, La Theorie du Tathagatagarbha et du Gotra, Etudes sur la Soteriologie et la Gnoseologie du Bouddhisme (Paris : Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, 1969).

T. Stcherbatsky, The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the word "Dharma" (London 1923

V. Trenckner, ed., Milindepañho (London: Pali Text Society, 1880), p. 73.

Tamura Yoshiro, "Nin—honzon to Ho-honzon (Person-Centered and Truthord Centered Faith-Object)," Chuo Gakujustu Kenkyusho Kiyo I (1970), 6—21,

Nakamura Hajime, Gotama Buddha (Tokyo: Hozokan, 1958), pp. 306—338;

Nakamura Hajima, "Genshi Bukkyo Seiten Seiritsu Kenkyu Kijun ni tsuite (On Criteria for Research in the Development of Early Buddhist Scriptures), "JBA XXI (1955), 31—78,

Hirakawa Akira, Shoki Daijõ-bukkyõ no Kenkyü (Studies in Early Mahayana Buddhism) (Tokyo : Shunju—sha, 1968).

Indo Bukkyo Shi (History of Indian Buddhism), Vol. I (Tokyo : shunjñ—sha, 1975).

Tamura Yoshiro, Hokke—kyõ (The Lotus Sütra) (Tokyo : Chükö Shinsho (1969), pp. 87—113.

Kamei Munetada, "Kako—butsu Shisö yori Hosshin Jözai Shisö ni Oyobu (From the Theory of Buddhas—of—the past to the Theory of the Eternal Existence of Dharmakãya—Buddha), "Shûkyõ Ronshü I (1931), 73—86.

H. Kern and B. Nanjio. (St. Petersburg : Bibliotheca Buddhica, 1909).

Hajime, ed., Kegon Shisõ (Avatamsaka, or Hua Yen Philosophy) (Tokyo : Hözökan, 1960), pp 83—146,

Mûlamadhyamakärikäh XXII, 16. Text ed. by L. de la vallee Poussin (St. Petersburg : Bibliotheca Buddhica. 1912), pp. 448-449.

R. Mitra, ed., Astasahãsrika Prajñãpäramita Bibliotheca Indica (Calutta, 1888) p. 513, 15—16, and E. Conze, ed., Vajracchedika Prajñäpãrmita (Roma : Institute Italiano per il Medio e Estremo Oriente, 1957) , pp. 56—57, etc.

Takasaki, Jikido, $ 'Amuktajña no Gogi ni tsuite (On the meaning of amuktajna) JIBS VI (1958), 186-90, s 28. See Takasaki, ' 'Dharmatã, Dharmadhãtu . . " (Note esp. pp. 914-911).

Amano Koei, "Haribhadra no Busshin—ron (The Buddhological Theory of Haribhadra), " JRS No. 179 (1964), 277—307

Takasaki's thesis by L.Schmithausen, "Philologische Bemxrkungen zum RGV," Wiener Zeitschriftfur des kunde Sudasiens la XV (1971), 123—177.

Takasaki Jikido, "Kegon-kyogaku to ni okeru Shoki—shiso no Tenkai (The Hua Yen Philosophy and the Tathagatagarbha Theory—Development of the Idea of Gairasambhaya in India)," in Kawada and Nakamura, ed., Kegon shiso, pp. 275-332.

"The Tathägatôtpattisañbhãvãnirde§a of the Avatañtsaka, and the Ratnagotravibhãga with special reference to the term Tathägatagoirasambhäva," in JIBS VII (1958), 348—343.

Takasaki Jikidõ, "Ten'e—Ä šraya—parvrãtti to šraya— parivrtti," JBA, XXV (1959), 89—110

Takasaki's thesis is L. Schmithausen, Der Nirvana—Abscnitt in der Vinišcayasañgrahanï der Yogäcãrbhümik (Wien : Sb. Ost. Ak. Phil.-hist., 1969), pp. 90-104.

J. Takasaki, "Description of the Ultimate Reality in Mahayana Buddhism - by means of the Six Categories Beginning with Syabhäva," JIBS, IX—2 (1961), 740—731.

Katsumata Shunkyo, Bukkyõ ni okeru Shin—shiki—setsu no Kenkyü (A Study of the Citta—Vijñãna Thought in Buddhism) (Tokyo : Sankibo, 1961);

Tamaki Koshiro, Shin—hasoku no Tenkai—Tendai Jisso—kan wo chüshin to shite (A Study on the Development of Mind in Tien Tai Thought) (Tokyo : Sankibo, 1961);

Mizuno Kogen, Pali Bukkyo wo chüshin to shita Bukkyõ no Shin—shiki—ron (The Citta— Vijñäna Doctrine in Pali Buddhist Scriptures (Tokyo : Sankibo, 1964).

Nagao Gadjin, "Busshin-ron wo megurite," Tetsugaku—Kenkyü, XLV—3 (1971), 1—26

Tatasaki Jikidõ, "Hosshin no Ichigenron (Monism of the Dharmakäya), in Hirakawa Akira Hakushi Kanreki Kinen Ronshü (Commemoration Volume in honour of Dr. Hirakawa Akira) enti tied Buhkyõ ni Okery Ho no Kenkyü (Studies on Dharma in Buddhism) (Tokyo: Shunju-sha, 1975), pp. 221-240;

Tamura Yoshirö, Hö to Butsu no Mondai—Busshinron wo chüshin to shite (The Problem of Dharma and Buddha—Focusing on the Buddha-body theory)," ibid., pp. 371—406.

Anesaki Masaharu, Genshin—butsu to Hosshm—butsu (Real or Historical Buddha and Dharmakaya Buddha), (Revised ed. (Tokyo: Yotoku—sha, 1956);

Murakami Senshö, Butsuda— ron (Buddhology), Vol. Il of Bukkyõ Tõitsu—ron (Comprehensive Treatise on Buddhism) (Tokyo: Kindkodo—shoseki, 1905); Nakamua Zuiryu, "Kukyõ—ichijö Hõshöron ni arawareta Busshinron (The Buddha—body theory in the RGV)," JIBS, 1—2 (1953), 122-23;

Shioda Gison, "Busshinron no Tenkai (The Development of the Buddha-body Theory)," JIBS, V11-2 (1959), 120-23;

Prof. Ui Hakujü , "Agon ni arawaretaru Butsuda—kan (Views of the Buddha in the Ägamas)," Bukkyõ Shisõ Kenkyü (Studies in Buddhist Thought) (Tokyo : Iwanami, 1943), pp. 37-44;

"Butsuda-kan no Hattatsu to Igi (The Development of Buddhology and its Significance)," Bukkyö Shisõ RO Kiso (Fundamentals of Buddhist Thought) (Tokyo: Iwanami, 1963), pp, 211-450;

"Butsuda—kan Hattatsu (The Development of Buddhology)," Indo Tetsugaku KenkYl.1 (Studies in Indian Philosophy) (Tokyo : Iwanami. 1965) pp. 791—828




How to Cite

Habito, R. L. F. (1986). THE NOTION OF DHARMAKAYA : A Study in the Buddhist Absolute. Journal of Dharma, 11(4), 348–378. Retrieved from