Social Equality in a Multi - Religious Society: A Plea for Uniform Civil Code


  • T S Deyadoss University of Madras


Civil Code, Social Equality


Democracy is a mere aspiration in the absence of social equality. The concept as such is of no vital significance to our people unless it serves as a means to bring about a change in the socio-economic structure of the community to cherish the ideal of social equality enshrined in the Indian Constitution.


Constituent Assèmbly Debate, Vol. I, p. 57

N. A. Palkhiwala, Supreme Court on Amendments of Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution, (Allahabad : 1973), p. 308.

L. T. Hothouse, The Elements of Social Justice, (London : 1949) P• 94.

P. B. Gajendra Gadkar, Law, Liberty and Social Justice, (Asia Publishing House, New York, 1965), p. 78.

Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol. XX, p. 53.




How to Cite

Deyadoss, T. S. (1986). Social Equality in a Multi - Religious Society: A Plea for Uniform Civil Code. Journal of Dharma, 11(3), 300–304. Retrieved from