A Study on Motivation Factor in Productivity


  • Hema Natarajan University of Kerala


Mystery, Law of Karma, Mahabharata, Karmayoga, Bhagawad Gita, Confucian philosophy, Fear, Punishment, Motivation


It is the primary concern of management to get work done by people and achieve peak performance and maximum productivity in their organisation. This being the goal, it is the Manager's job to motivate his subordinates towards achievement of that target. There is nothing like an universal motivator. Each individual is unique with distinctly different needs. The work situation or environment, adds another dimension to the already complex problem of motivation. Besides, the cultural aspect is yet another important point to be considered when motivation is discussed. How is a manager going to contend with all these factors while attempting to channelize, the energies of his subordinates towards organizational goals? Because human beings are involved, motivation is difficult. This problem is sharpened because their subconscious needs are hidden and motives are invisible sometimes One very plausible method that can be tried in influencing the activities of the Indian is to appeal to his innate Indian ethics, to cater to his philosophical aptitudes. It is precisely here that the Law of Karma emerges as predominantly important.


BrhadaranyakaUpanishad, III. ll, 13.

M. Hiriyanna, Outlines of Indian Philosophy, (George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London) 1932.

'Management.' Bedeian (Arthur G) and Gluek, (William.F)., Ed.3" Dryden Press, New York (1983).

Kumar Srivastava. P. 'Human Motivation and Indian Perspective' in New Horizons in Management 1985. Printwell Publishers, Jaipure (1985) P.P. 108-111.

Kumar Srivastava. P. 'The Missing Link in Motivational Paradigms' in New Horizons in Management, Printwell publishers, Jaipure pp, 139 (1985).




How to Cite

Natarajan, H. (1988). MYSTERY AND MEANING OF LAW OF KARMA: A Study on Motivation Factor in Productivity. Journal of Dharma, 13(2), 141–146. Retrieved from