Ecology, Hinduism, Tradition, SteriotypeAbstract
The Hindu tradition is sometimes stereotyped as world-denying, 8 religion that teaches renunciation of the world and disdain for worldly pleasure. The lone, withdrawn, meditating yogi is often seen as typical of Hindu spirituality. Two ideas in particular seem to emphasize the tendency toward world-denial in Hinduism: maya and prekritl. Miiya is the idea of superimposing on reality our own biases, notions. and ego-centered convictions.
Diana L. Eck, "Ganga: The Goddess in Hindu Sacred Geography," in John Hawley and' Donna Wulff, eds.. The Divine Consort: Radha and the Goddesses of India (Berkeley: Religious Studies Series, 1982), p. 169.
Hamilton is the location of McMllter Univerlity where I teech, Inc! Dunc!1I il a Imall nearby town.
Arne Naess, "Self Realization: An Ecological Approach to Being In the World," in John Seed, Joanna Macv, et. al., ThInkIng Like , Mount,ln (New Society Publishers: Philadelphia and Santa Cruz, 1988), p. 26.
Heinrich Zimmer. Phllolophles of IndIa (World Publilhlng Co.. Cleveland). P. 447.
Marvin Harris, Cows, Pigs, Wsrs end Witches: The Riddles of Culture (Vlntlgl Books: New York, 1978), p, 7