
  • Elaine M. Dupuis Laurentian University 


Movement, Women, Synopsis


It is not an understatement to say that we do not know ourselves. However, any woman who undertakes the study of the women's movement in Judaeo-Christian societies over the last two hundred years, is faced with a self-revelation. If the struggle of women to be heard went on for millennia without success under 'patriarchal' rule, many reasons can now be enumerated, not the least of which is the fact that, in their political isolation from each other, they did not gather or record their history and, thus, had no social sense of their own communion and continuity.

Author Biography

Elaine M. Dupuis, Laurentian University 

Elaine M. Dupuis, Laurentian University  Sudbary


Carroll, Lewis. Alice In Wonderland. (New York: The Library of Favorite Children's Classics. Capricorn Press. 1984). p. 40.

Albistur, Mait~. and Armogathe. Daniel. Le Grief des femmes. anthologies de testes Lemlnistes, (France: ed. Hier et Demain. 1978). p, 179.

Dhavernas, Odile, Droit des femmes. Pouvolr des bommes, (Paris: Editions du Seuil. 1978)

Holcombe. Lee, Wives lind Property. (Toronto: University of Toronto Prell, 1980)

Gurko. Miriam, The Ladies of Seneca Falls, The Birth of the Women's Rightl Movement. (New York: Schocken Books. 1976), pp. 48-51.

James. Donna. Emily Murphy. The Canadian Series, (Don Milia, Ontario: Fitzhenry and Whiteside Ltd.. 1977). p. 38.

Havel, Jean, La Condition de la temme, (France: Librairie Armand Collin,1981), p. 82

Benham. Mary Lile. N,IIi6 McClung, The Canadian Series, (Don Mills,Ontairo: Fitzhenry and Whiteside Ltd" 1976) p, 46.

Casgrain, Therese Une Femme chez les bommes, (Montreal: Editions du Jour, 1971 )

Spender, Dale, For the Record, The Making end Meaning of Feminist Knowledge,(London: The Women's Press, 1985). pp. 9/10.




How to Cite

Dupuis, E. M. . (1991). THE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT: A TWO-HUNDRED YEAR SYNOPSIS. Journal of Dharma, 16(2), 125–142. Retrieved from