Striving for Creativity, Capability and Leadership Everyday


  • Kiran Prasad Sri Padmavati Mahila University


Feminist Genius, Gender Inequality, Leadership, Violence against Women, Women's Empowerment


Despite rapid economic growth in the post-reform period and all the flagship programmes of the government, India ranks very low on narrowing the gender gap in education, health, and economic participation. India is among the few countries of the world where female labour force participation is shrinking with less than 15% in any form of paid work. Though there have been several efforts to improve the status of women there is a wide gender gap in education, health, economic participation and social equality. Women's development and empowerment must become the long-term focus of policies to raise the consciousness of families, increase women's selfconfidence, provide education and strengthen legal justice for fostering gender equality. Sustainable development in India can be a reality only when there is gender equality and justice based development that accords top priority to the welfare of women.

Author Biography

Kiran Prasad, Sri Padmavati Mahila University

Dr Kiran Prasad, Professor of Communication and Journalism, Sri Padmavati Mahila University, Andhra Pradesh, was a Commonwealth Research Fellow at the Centre for International Communication Research, University of Leeds, UK and Canadian Studies Research Fellow at Carleton University, Canada. She has published twenty-two books including Gender and ICTs: Bridging the Digital Divide (2016), Transforming International Communication: Media, Society and Culture in the Middle East (2014), New Media and Pathways to Social Change: Shifting Development Discourses (2013), Media Law in India (2011).


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How to Cite

Prasad, K. (2016). RESURRECTING THE FEMINIST GENIUS : Striving for Creativity, Capability and Leadership Everyday. Journal of Dharma, 41(2), 121–138. Retrieved from