
  • Emeka Onwurah University of State River State


Religion, Humanism


Men are caught between two worlds-one appeals to their biological, sensual nature, to their need for love and recognition ; the other lifts them out of self, draws them to a search for identity and purpose, inspires a creativity that reaffirms that which is unique in human experience. Humanism, a philosophy which recognizes the value or dignity of man and makes him the measure of all things or takes the human nature as its theme, is devoted to exposition of the above dilemma. It also explores through several means, the human endeavour to reconcile the demands of personal gratification with the need to discover and achieve a distinguishing quality of manhood, endowing it with a sense of purpose?


Geddes MacGregor • Introduction to Religious Phllosophy (London : Macmillan, 1968), p. 79.

Alan R. Taylor : ' 'Zionism and Jewish Humanism" in Christian Century : An Ecumerl• cal Weekly sept. 18, 1968, P. 1164.

Meagher, P. K. (et at eds.) Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Religion (Washington D. C., Corpus Publication, 1966), P. 1734.

Paul Edwards (ed.) : The Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Vols. 384 ) (New York : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 1967). pp. 49ff.

Donald A. Wells : God, Man, and the Thinker (New York : Random House, 1962), p. 343.

Charles Porter : Humanism a New Religion (New York : Simon and Schuster, 1930). p. 1391.

Reinhold Niebuhr "Man as a Problem to Himself" jn Hartsock D. E. (ed.) Contemporary Religious Issues (Belmont California : Wadsworth Publishing Co. Inc., 1968), p. 64.

Pope Paul VI : "The Dignity of the Human Person" in Hartsock D. E. (ed.) op. cit. P. 101.

Alexis Carrel : Man the Unknown (London ; Harper and Bros, 1935), pp. 60 — 61

Kenneth E. Boulding : "The Wisdom of Man and the Wisdom of God" in Hartsock D. E. (ed.) op. cit., P. 126 f

Nicholas Berdyaer : The End of Our Time. translated by Donald Atwater (London . Sheed and Ward-, 1933) -P. 80.

' Brien. T. C. • . "Christian Humanism" in Encyclopaedlc Dictionary of Religion edited by P. K. Meagher et al. op. cit., p. 1734.




How to Cite

Onwurah, E. (1989). INVESTIGATING THE CASE OF RELIGION AND HUMANISM. Journal of Dharma, 14(2), 158–164. Retrieved from