Belief in Prophets, Attributes of Prophets, Miracles, RevelationsAbstract
Prophets have been referred to in the Holy Quran as nabi or rasool. According to Imam Abul Oasim al Hussain's definition, 'nabi' means an ambassador functioning between God and mankind. The Oasis defines a 'nabl' as a man who gives information about God. In Taj-ul-Uroos it is further explained as the man to whom God in addition to giving information about His Unity, reveals secrets of the future and imparts the knowledge that he is His Prophet. Rasool means an apostle or messenger. It is clear from the above definitions that a prophet has two capacities: to receive information from God and to impart God's message to mankind. But that is not all. A prophet is the chosen one of God. No person can take a claim to prophethood unless.he is ordained to do so by God himself. Referring to the arrogance of unbelievers, the Ouran says: "When a sign is revealed to them they say: We will not believe in it unless we are given that which Allah's apostles have been given. But Allah knows best whom to entrust with his message" (6 :124).
Holy Qur'an.