
  • James Narithookil Carmel Vidya Bhavan, Pune


Second Vatican Council, Catholic Church, Prophet Muhammad, The Ouran, Lumen Gentium, Nostra Aetate


The history of relations between Christianity and Islam goes back to the seventh century when lslam originated as a new religion. Ever since then, both these religions maintained mutual contact which, until recently, was either in the form of uneasy coexistence and hostile confrontaticn. From the very beginning, Christianity looked on Islam as a threat to Christianity because it appeared to supplant it '.IS a religion. The series cf 1V'1I~'im'conquests and the sudden rise of Islam to political power were aJarming to the Christians who therefore wished to check the rap'd growth of Islam. Christian hostility was aggravated when lslam captured many Christian provinces like Syr:a, Egypt, North Africa end Spain, Yhe animosity of Christians against Islam passed through several stages in Arabia, in the Byzantine empire and later in Western Christendom.


St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Tneotoeic«. Contra Gentiles. I:VI. P. 13.

Jean Danielou, The Salvation of the Nations, trans. Angeline Bouchard (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1962) pp. 37-47 •

Jean Danielou, Introduction to Great Religions, trans. Albert J, La Mothe Jr.(Notre Dame: Fides Publishers, lnc., 1964), pp.18-19.

"Declaration on Religious Liberty" in Vatican Council II. edited by AustIn Flannery, O.P., with a prefaca by John Cardinal Wright (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1975), p. 800.

The text of the "Universal Declaration on Human Right" in the Year Book on Human Rights for 1948. United Nations, General Assembly. December 10,1948 (Lake Success, New York, 1950), Resolution 217 (III) Art. 18, P. 467.

Vatican Council 1/, Lumen Gentium, No. 16. p. 367. "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" was promulgated on Nov. 21, 1964.




How to Cite

James Narithookil. (1994). ISLAM’S ENCOUNTER WITH CHRISTIANITY. Journal of Dharma, 19(4), 358–369. Retrieved from