From Philosafari to Theosafari: Integration and Application - Call for Papers 2025: Fifty Years of Journal of Dharma (1975-2025)


Vol. 50.1: January-March 2025 (5 October 2024)

Corridors of Power: A Subaltern Socio-Religious and Philosophical Voyage

Power, a concept with profound religious, social, and philosophical significance, permeates every facet of human existence. Democracy unfolds political power; health embodies bodily power and money signifies economic power. Physical, nuclear, electrical, and thermal forces illustrate diverse manifestations of power. Words, thoughts, actions, speech, and literature wield immense power, demonstrated repeatedly throughout history. Some relinquish all worldly possessions in pursuit of spiritual and divine power, while psychologists emphasize the importance of mental prowess. Nature exhibits its own manifestations of power, echoing through the forces of the cosmic world, while legal power asserts its authority in the realm of judicial systems, establishing social order and justice. In the virtual realm, soft power emerges as a subtle yet influential force in global interactions. We invite scholarly contributions exploring the intricate nuances of political, ethical, social and religious power to unpack the dynamics of power corridors, examining how they empower and depower individuals, communities, and nations.


Vol. 50.2: April-June 2025 (25 December 2024)

From Biophilia to Theophilia: Kinship with Nature through Sacred Scriptures

 We invite scholarly contributions exploring the intersections of environmental integrity, economic viability and religio-socio-philosophical narratives. This interdisciplinary inquiry seeks to search for the divine footprints in nature through biodiversity, ecosystems and geodiversity etc. Topics may include the philosophical underpinnings of environmental psychology and spirituality, ethical considerations of the planet, and the economic implications of sustainable practices. We encourage researches that explore how religious and ecosophical worldviews shape attitudes towards nature and influence environmental policies and land ethics.

Vol. 50.3: July-September 2025  (15 March 2025)

National Conservatism and Radical Gender Ideology: Signs of Poverty or Prosperity?

 National conservatism and radical gender ideology are two emerging trends whose impacts can signal social prosperity or adversity. This critical inquiry is aimed at uncovering the telos of different national and gender conservative policies, ideologies and narratives which shape political landscapes, social hierarchies, and cultural norms, often leading to significant oppression of marginalized or subaltern groups. A critical study on UN’s 2030 Agenda which calls for new phase of accelerated progress through Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) may further unfold the impacts these ideologies have on contemporary youth. Contributors may also analyse historical contexts, policy implications, and contemporary attitudes toward gender studies and national identity.

 Vol. 50.4: October-December 2025 (15 June 2025)

Impact of Technology on Art and Creativity: Boon or Bane?

 A Philosafari to the inner caves of thought and imagination reveals the profound impact of technology on human art and creativity in the rapidly changing contemporary social scenario.  This interdisciplinary inquiry seeks to uncover how conventional and modern technological advancements reshape artistic practices and the perception of creativity among the lovers and seekers of beauty. Topics of interest may also include the integration of AI and virtual reality in artistic expression, the ethics of digital art and its dissemination, and the cultural implications of interactive media on various art forms.