Exploring Thoughts and Belief Systems: Advancement and Anticipation


Exploring Thoughts and Belief Systems: Advancement and Anticipation

Philosophical thoughts and religious beliefs have always been intertwined throughout human history, shaping our understanding of existence, value systems and prospects. As we embark on the golden jubilee celebrations of Journal of Dharma (1975-2025), here is a call to reexamine the relationship between these two domains of life, with the goal of instilling the mantra of Dharma in both our individual lives and the broader public sphere.

Over the years, philosophers, theologians, and scholars hailing from diverse backgrounds have engaged in numerous dialogues aimed at promoting greater tolerance and collaboration among individuals representing a wide array of religious and cultural traditions. Consequently, a pluralistic approach that respects ethos and thought patterns has gained prominence, emphasizing the coexistence of diverse religious beliefs and philosophical worldviews within a single society. Furthermore, as our societies become increasingly diverse, people of different faiths or even those who subscribe to no particular faith, find themselves engaged in circulating the message of co-existence cum pro-existence transcending the confines of both religious and political demarcations. The ethical and epistemological foundations emerging from this novel pluralistic approach undoubtedly hold the potential to facilitate the development of nations and provide avenues to address pressing global challenges, like climate change, gender and racial discriminations, as well as the myriad threats posed by the digital and nuclear technologies.

In the coming years, we may witness a surge in interdisciplinary studies that bring together philosophy, theology, psychology, and other fields to explore profound queries concerning human consciousness, morality and spirituality. Concurrently, as technological progress continues its relentless march and societies embrace an increasingly ‘secular orientation’, there may arise a renewed fascination with existential and spiritual inquiries. Individuals may find themselves compelled to seek deeper meaning and purpose, thereby heralding a renewed era characterized by fervent exploration of both philosophical and spiritual dimensions. Advancements in science and technology will pose new ethical challenges. Philosophical and religious perspectives will be crucial in guiding ethical decision-making in areas such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and environmental stewardship. Armed with the wisdom gleaned from their respective traditions and philosophical insights, both philosophers and religious leaders can continue to play a crucial role in conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts especially in regions plagued by religious and ideological disputes.

Indeed, it is an established fact that the relationship between philosophical thought and religious belief has undergone transformation throughout history. This evolution and its future trajectory are intrinsically shaped by the ever-shifting dynamics of societies, cultures and individual belief systems. As we gaze into the future, we glimpse the potential for enhancing dialogue, solidarity and increased collaboration between these two domains of philosophy and religion, contributing to the cultivation of a more pluralistic and harmonious global landscape.

January-March 2024

Cult, Code and Creed in the Context of Myth, Mysticism and Prophecy

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April-June 2024

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July-September 2024

Survival of the Fittest in Soft Computing: Genetic Algorithm, AI & Best Fit Models

We are looking at the world from recent scientific and philosophic developments. The future of human thought and consciousness in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) and genetic algorithms is a complex and multifaceted topic. It mimics the natural selection process, where the most well-adapted individuals or solutions have a higher chance of persisting and contributing to improved outcomes. This concept plays a crucial role in the development of efficient and effective algorithms and models in fields like machine learning, optimization and AI.

October-December 2024

The Glorious Legacy of DHARMA

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