Eastern Mystical Paradigms in Kuriakose Elias Chavara


  • Rincy Maria Pavanatma Province, Kothamangalam


Mysticism, ente appa, Mystical experience, Mystics, Interiority, Indwelling presence, Contemplation, Long to see, Mystical roots, Dhyansallapangal, Eastern/oriental, Darsanam, Vasam, Sallapam, Kāṇākeṇam, Carmelite, Spousal Mysticism


Chavara’s profound faith in Christ and his deep love for Him had a transformative effect, shaping him into a vessel of divine grace. Immersed in the teachings of God and fortified by His word, Chavara possessed the audacity and certainty to undertake extraordinary measures for his community. True mystics shall play a crucial role in establishing the Kingdom of God within this world by utilizing all the available resources. Constant communion with the Almighty not only cultivated a rich inner life within him but also impelled him to dedicate his existence to the service of the divine. Through meditation, he established unity with God, and in and through his actions, he embodied solidarity with the marginalized and impoverished. Chavara emulated the fervour of Elijah, driven by an unwavering zeal for the living God. His teachings were not mere words but emanated from his own lived experiences. In the tradition of Carmelite mystics, Chavara embraced spousal mysticism, wherein the relationship between humanity and God mirrors a spiritual marriage—an intimate and reciprocal bond of love and commitment. The core of Chavara’s mysticism is his Abba (appa) experience.


