Eastern Christian Ascetic Ideal of “Mourning” (Penthos) and the Atmanuthapam of Kuriakose Elias Chavara


  • Geo Pallikunnel Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram


East Syriac Tradition, Penthos, Compunction of the Heart, Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Metanoia, Catanyxis, Iḥidāyā, ’abīlā, Mourners, Ruhānūtā, Ascetic ideal, Spirituality


Compunction of the heart is an ascetic ideal practised both in the East and the West to reach the monastic way of perfection. The present article attempts to understand this Eastern ascetic ideal in the life and works of Kuriakose Elias Chavara, especially in Atmanuthapam. The ascetic and monastic movements were started both in Egyptian desert and in the Syriac Orient to flee away from the corrupted and corrupting world and to mourn for the sins of the self and of others. In the Syriac tradition anchorites were called ‘mourners’ (’abīlē). Different spiritual authors are witnesses to this ascetic ideal of compunction of the heart both in the desert and in the Syriac traditions. Kuriakose Elias Chavara follows the tradition of compunction of the soul. His spiritual work Atmanuthapam is a witness to it.`


