Embracing Divine Love: Eastern Christian Spirituality of Kuriakose Elias Chavara


  • Annie Noel Mount Carmel Generalate, Aluva


Love of God, Love of neighbour, Contemplation, Prayer, Humility, Repentance, Compassion, Forgiveness, Purity of heart, Solitude, Obedience, Meditative reading of Scripture, Compassionate service


Kuriakose Elias Chavara’s spirituality, deeply rooted in Eastern Christian mysticism, emphasizes the inseparable connection between the love of God and love of neighbour. His teachings parallel those of Eastern mystics like St Isaac the Syrian, focusing on divine love as foundational to the Christian journey. His contemplation on God’s boundless mercy underscores the transformative power of love, nurturing spiritual growth and inspiring compassionate service. His spirituality reflects Eastern Christianity’s concept of God’s unconditional love, epitomized in Jesus Christ. This article explores asceticism, virtuous life, prayer, and contemplation as means of experiencing divine love. Asceticism is a purification process and virtuous life is aligning with God’s will. Chavara’s life illustrates detachment from worldly distractions and continuous dialogue with the Divine as integral to experiencing God’s love. Eastern Christian spirituality emphasizes prayer, contemplation, and embracing divine love amidst trials and suffering, with Chavara exemplifying dedication to prayer and trust in divine providence. Compassionate concern for others, seen in Chavara’s commitment to serving the marginalized, reflects divine love in action. His life inspires embracing spirituality through asceticism, virtuous living, prayer, contemplation, and compassionate service.


