Human Formation


  • Joe Mannath Samanvaya Theological College


Joe Mannath SDB deals with human formation. He begins the discussion with what formation means, who the stakeholders are and how their respective responsibilities need to be spelt out. He considers the three goals of religious life as personal growth, community life and mission. He discusses the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, pastoral and professional aspects as conditional for integral formation. A healthy enhancement of human formation must look into adequate health and capacity of the candidate for work, emotional balance, psycho-sexual integration, responsible use of freedom and contact with reality. Mannath also takes into consideration the role of the formator and how formators help in human formation. As qualities of a good formator, he looks into the integrated personal life, team work, sound judgement, effective communication, intelligence, academic ability, fidelity to the church, enthusiastic commitment, pastoral involvement and experience.


