The Familial Vision of Chavara and the 19th Century Socio-Cultural Context


  • Ann Mary Madavanakad Samanvaya Theological College


Ann Mary explores the 19th century socio-cultural and economic and political milieu of Kerala and places the familial vision of Chavara in the context to understand the full extent of his instructions that are enshrined in the Chavarul, given by Chavara to his parishioners. In order to understand the Chavarul, one needs to understand the world behind the text. Discussing the social scenario, she refers to the caste system and the patriarchal familial system, whereas in the discussion on political situation, she goes though the various currents foreign and native that shaped the political life of the people. In the economic scenario, the agrarian society and the interplay of caste and economy in the society is analysed. Taking the literary scenario into consideration, she looks at the educational ratio of the members of various significant social groups, which leads to a discussion on Christian contribution to education, in which the contributions of Chavara are significant. Narrowing her focus down to family system, the author speaks of family and marriage, joint family system, which had a great effect on the families to which Chavara is writing his Chavarul.


