Role of Families in Promoting and Maintaining Vocations


  • Antony Chundelikkat John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Changanassery, Kerala


vocations, Promoting vocations, Role of Families and vocations


Promoting vocations must penetrate the entire life of the Church at all levels. A climate of fear, suspicion and discouragement is not a favorable environment for the germination, sprouting, growth, flowering and fruition of vocations to the priesthood or consecrated life. Traditionally, Catholic homes were the privileged ground where seeds of vocation were sown, nourished and nurtured. The family is the primary place for the humanization of a person and society where an individual can grow physically and spirituality in a healthy fashion. It is within the loving atmosphere of the family that the call to a radical following of Jesus is frequently heard. Researches show that when the social, spiritual and moral life of family improve, vocations to priestly and religious life too increase.


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