A Cross-Cultural Reading of Mk 14:26-16:8 and Jn 8:1-11


  • John Mansford Prior St. Paul’s Institute of Philosophy, Ledalero, Indonesia


St. John, St. Mark, cross-cultural hermeneutics, Inter-cultural hermeneutics


For over 30 years bible sharing has been practised widely in Indonesia. This article begins with the experience of a group of prisoners in Maumere’s jail sharing St. Mark’s account of the Passion and Resurrection (Mk 14:26-16:8). Each participant took on one of seven key roles in the narrative and seven distinct versions of St. Mark’s account emerged. Previously the same group had shared St. John’s story, commonly known as “The woman caught in adultery.” (Jn 8:1-11). On that occasion a group of professionals in Belgium also these studied the same passage; the two groups then exchanged the results of their individual sharing, compared them and then responded to the similarities and differences. Based on the two experiences, this article takes up the issue of inter-cultural or cross-cultural hermeneutics, and the contrasting yet complementary approaches of the scholar and the “ordinary reader” who converses across social, economic, cultural and religious borders.


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