
  • Nicholas Las University of Cambridge


Ending of the 'Modern' World, Organization of Knowledge, Invention of 'Religion', Violence, Power,and Peace


There is much talk these days, in European academic circles, about 'postmodernism'. No-one seems quite sure, just what 'postmodernism' means, nor whether we should welcome it with open arms or nervously lament its dawning, but the mere fact that the notion is so fashionable would seem to indicate a widespread recognition that the world which we called 'modern' is now drawing to a close.


Peter Sedgwick, 'Theology and the State'. Studies in Christian Ethics, 7/2 (1994), p. 106.

Hindustan Times. 3 June 1950, p, 6, cited by Ved Prakash Luthera, The Concept of the Secular State and India (Oxford: University Press. 1964), p. 163.

S. Radhakrishnan, 'Foreword' to S. Abid Husain, The National Culture of India, p. , vii, and The Statesman (21 August, 1961). p. 1; both quoted from Luthera, op. clt., p. 160.

William Shakespeare, The Tempelt, v. 1.

Edward Gibbon. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (London, 1863), Vol. I, Chapter 2, P. ,36.

Francis Bacon. First Part of the Great Instauration. The Dignity': 'and Advancement of Learning. Book. I.

Donald E.Smith. India as a Secular State(Princeton.N.J.,:Princeton University Press.1963);Ved Prakash Luthera. The Concept of the Secular State and India ( Oxford: Oxford University Press,1964).

Peter Harrison. 'Religion' and the Religions in the Eng/i,h . 'Enlightenment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1990). p. 13.

Judith M. Brown, Men and Gods in II Changing World. Some Themes in the Religious Experience of Twentieth-Century Hindus and Christians (London: SCM Press, 1980), p. 12.

Julius Lipner, Hindus. Their Religious Beliefs and Practices (London: Routledge, 1994), p. 217.

Michael Buckley, At the Origins of Modern Atheism( New Havens: Yale University Press,1987).




How to Cite

Nicholas Las. (1995). RELIGION AND THE PUBLIC ORDER BEYOND MODERNITY. Journal of Dharma, 20(4), 334–352. Retrieved from