A Short Survey of Select Christian Sacramental Celebrations


  • Paulachan Kochappilly Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)


Sacraments, Celebration, Healing


Religions guide believers to wholeness, holiness and salvation within the purview of their lived and living traditions. It is through religious celebrations that a religion generally manifests its principles and way of life. In order to promote life and the celebration of it, religion advocates and stipulates certain means and methods, which in most cases, come to the limelight through religious celebrations, for there is an epiphany of the ethos of the community taking place in every celebration

Author Biography

Paulachan Kochappilly, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)

Dr. Paulachan Kochappilly, cmi is professor of Moral Theology at Samanvaya Theologaie Bhopal and Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore.


The Oxford English Dictionary, Second edition. Vol. VII (Oxofrd: Clarendon Press, 1989) 52. .

The Oxford English Dictionary, 52. See also Klaus Kienzler, Heil, in Lexikonfiir Theologie und Kirche, Vierter Band (Herder, 1995) 1259.

Leslie D. Weatherhead, Psychology, Religion and Healing (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1963) 317.

R. F. Hurding, Healing, in New Dictionary of Christian Ethics & Pastoral Theology, eds. David J. Atkinson, et. al. (Illinois, USA & Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1995) 431.

Howard Clark Kee, "Medicine and Healing", in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 4 (New York: Doubleday, 1992) 659-60.

Morris Maddocks, "Spiritual Healing",in A Dictionary of Pastoral Care, ed. Alastair V. Campbell, second edition (London: SPCK,1990) 266.

The Syro Malabar Qurbana, The Order of Raw (Syro-Malabar Bishops Conference, 1989) 42.

John Paul II, Yeritatis Splendor, 18;

Real Tremblay, Cristo e la morale in alcuni documenti del magistero (Roma: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1996) 37-71.

C. K. Hamel Cook, "Health and Illness: Pastoral Aspects", in A Dictionary of Pastoral Care, 108

Antonio Mongillo, "Healing", Concilium 9-10 (1974) 126.

New Bible Dictionary (1996) 891.

TheOxford English Dictionary (1989) 52-53.

S. Harakas, Healing, and Medicine in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition (New York: Crossroad, 1990) 40-42.

John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae (1995) 28, 77,82,95,98,99.

GertrudMueller Nelson, "Festival Days", in At That Time, Cycles and Seasons in the Life of a Christian, ed. James A. Wilde (Chigago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1989) 25.

Bemard Wiring, Free and Faithful in Christ, Moral Theology for Priests and Laity, Vol. I. General Moral Theology (Homebush: Society of St Paul, second Australian edition., 1979) 483.

Germain Grisez, The Way of the Lord, Vol. I, Christian Moral Principles (Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1983) 741-742.

Sasilio Petra, "La prassi penitenziale nelle chiese orientali", Credere Oggi 16 (1996) 73.

"Sacrarnentof Reconciliation", in Synodal News, Bulletin of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, No.3 (1994) 3 J

The Anointing of Sick, in Synodal News, Bulletin of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, No.3 (1994) 52.

Varghese Pathikulangara, The Celebrational Coefficient of Liturgy, Christian Orient 14 (June 1993) 59.

The Human Presence, An Orthodox View of Nature (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1978) 88

Thomas Elavanal, The Memorial Celebration, A Theological Study of the Anaphora of the Apostles Mar Addai and Mari (Kottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies India, 1989) 72.

Varghese Pathikulangara, Resurrection Life and Renewal (Bangalore: Dharmaram PublicationsKottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, 1982) 275.

New.., Saint Joseph Sunday Missasl and Hymnal, complete edition (New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1986) 20.

St. Ephrem, Hymns on Paradise VI, 6. in Sebastian Brock, The Luminous Eye, The Spiritual World Vision of St. Ephrem (Rome: ClfS: Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1985) 78.

Narsai, Homily XVII, in An Exposition of the Mysteries in Liturgical Homilies of Narsai, trans. R. H. Connolly, Text and Studies VIII (Cambridge: 1909) 29.

St. Ephrem, Hymns on Virginity 31,3. in Brock, The Luminous Eye, 77.

St.Ephrem, Hymns on Nisibis 46,8. in Brock, The Lumious Eye, 77.

St. Ephrem, Armenian Hymns 47, lines 13-14. in Brock, The Luminous Eye, 82-83.

St.Ephrem, Annenian Eucharistic Hymns 47, lines 27-30. in Brock, The Luminous Eye, 90.




How to Cite

Kochappilly, P. (1999). HEALING THROUGH CELEBRATION: A Short Survey of Select Christian Sacramental Celebrations. Journal of Dharma, 24(2), 47–78. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/831

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