An Encounter of Jesus with the Woman


  • Delfo C Canceran niversity of Santo Tomas (UST) and De la Salle University (DLSU) Manila


PROVOCATION, Other, Feminist Schism


The biblical passage (Mark 7, 24-30 NRSV) provides the readers with a starting point of our ret1ection in feminist theology. This particular story of the Syrophoenician woman indicates both positive and negative points in the over-all issues raised in feminist theological discourses addressed to our dominantly patriarchal ) society and church. These feminist discourses provoke our masculine taken-for-granted way of thinking and acting. This feminist provocation calls us to rethink our cherished tradition because of a pressing responsibility for the 'other' who in this case happens to be a woman. Moreover, the 'same' which is referred to the adherents of traditional theology is hopefully challenged in this provocation. Once we heed the challenge, we may never revert back to the 'same' but we start to recast our theological discourses. Even if we remain unchallenged, the provocation remains in our midst; but we are deaf or blind to it. The rereading of the story may open our eyes and ears to the challenge of the woman to Jesus apply its message to us today. The story informs us about the first century biblical world and we can note some salient points that are relevant to our concern. 

Author Biography

Delfo C Canceran, niversity of Santo Tomas (UST) and De la Salle University (DLSU) Manila

Dr. Oelfo Canccran OP, aside from parish work, is teaching theology, philosophy and sociology at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) and De la Salle University (DLSU) both in Manila. He is also assigned as the Commissioner of the Justice, Peace and Care of Creation (JPCC) ministry of the Province. He finished his PhD-STD in Theology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium and did his PhD in Sociology at the University of the Philippines (UP-Diliman).


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How to Cite

Canceran, D. C. (2011). THEOLOGY OF PROVOCATION: An Encounter of Jesus with the Woman. Journal of Dharma, 36(4), 483–402. Retrieved from