Moving from a Quantum Singularity towards a Cosmic Singularity


  • Mathew Chandrankunnel dvk


Search for the Structure of Matter, Big Bang Theory of George Lemaître, Significance of the God Particle, Towards a Convergence of Science and Theology, Science and Religion Reaching Out to a Trans-Cosmic Singularity


An unprecedented and an overwhelming enthusiasm were indeed exhibited by the print and electronic media on the discovery of the God particle. Media, both in India and abroad celebrated the event with attractive headlines and discussions with experts and thus fired even the imagination of the common people. Therefore, it would be worth to ponder over the deeper meaning and significance of this discovery and its probable repercussions in our life and the relevance for religion, especially for a Christian life in terms of reason and faith.


“An Open Letter to the Religious Community,” January, 1990. It is available from the Science Office of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, P.O. Box 9105, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

“Declaration of the Mission to Washington,” Joint Appeal by Religious Leaders as Scientists for the Environment, reprinted in Roger S. Gottlieb, ed., This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature and Environment, New York: Routledge, 1996, 640-642.

Arthur Peacock, ed., The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century, Notre Dame: Notre Dame Press, 1981.

Bernard Lonergan, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, Collected Works of Lonergan, vol. 3, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1957, 1997; Method in Theology, New York: Herder and Herder, 1972.

Ian Barbour, Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues, London: SCM Press, 1978

J. H. Pratt, Scripture and Science not at Variance, London: Hatchards, 1972, 8.

John F. Haught, Science and Religion: In Search of Cosmic Purpose, Georgetwon: Georgetown University Press, 2001; Deeper Than Darwin: The Prospect for Religion in the Age of Evolution, Westview Press, 2003; Is Nature Enough? Meaning and Truth in the Age of Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006; Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God and the Drama of Life, London: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2010.

Leon M. Lederman, The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?New York: Mariner Publications, 2006. The second chapter details the conversation between Lederman and Democritus.

Polkinghorne, Traffic in Truth: Exchanges between Sciences and Theology, Canterbury: Canterbury Press/Fortress, 2000; Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship, London: SPCK 2007; Exploring Reality: The Intertwining of Science and Religion, London: SPCK 2005; From Physicist to Priest: An Autobiography, London: SPCK, 2007; Theology in the Context of Science, London: SPCK, 2008.

Pope John Paul II, “Science Must Contribute to True Progress of Mankind,” L’Osservatore Romano, 4 October 1982.

Quoted in Peter W. Bakken, John Gibb Engel, and J. Ronal, Ecology, Justice, and Science and Christian Faith: A Critical Guide to the Literature, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1995, 4.

Ronald F. Fox and Theodore P. Hill, “An Exact Value for ‘Avagadro’ Number,” American Scientist 95 (2007), 104-107.




How to Cite

Mathew Chandrankunnel. (2012). THE GOD PARTICLE AS ‘KNOWING THE MIND OF GOD’: Moving from a Quantum Singularity towards a Cosmic Singularity. Journal of Dharma, 37(3), 313–324. Retrieved from