
  • Maheshvari Naidu University of KwaZulu Natal




The paper probes the notion of ‘relationality’ as a possible ethical resource, having resonance in both Hindu religious thought, as well as in particular strands of feminist thinking. Drawing from an earlier ethnographic study[1] on Muslim women who follow the bodily practice of veiling, this paper situates the observations emerging from that particular ethnographic context within a discussion of religious ethics and a framework of constructed religious alterity.



Author Biography

Maheshvari Naidu, University of KwaZulu Natal

Maheshvari Naidu lectures in Anthropology in the school of Anthropology, Gender and Historical Studies at The University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa.


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How to Cite

Naidu, M. (2010). RELIGIOUS ‘RELATIONALITY’ AS AN ETHICAL RESOURCE. Journal of Dharma, 35(4), 355–368. Retrieved from