A Feminist Perspective in the Light of Holocaust


  • Rica delos Reyes Ancheta San Beda College, Alabang


Auschwitz, Birkenau, Feminist, Holocaust, Obliteration, Nazi, Shekinah, Shoah


Women’s stories culled from the memoirs of Holocaust survivors and the lessons to be learned from them have had no significant place in theological circles. This absence or obliteration has practically caused further oppression, suffering, and death to women victims of the Holocaust by depriving them of voice and placing them as subordinate ‘other’ to the heroic, prophesying, and valiant Jewish male victims and survivors. The absence of feminine representation matters as the female voice would have brought a different ring to the male theologians’ consistent harping on God’s retreat, absence, or hiddenness in the Jewish Holocaust tragedy. This article attempts to offer a broader understanding of: 1) how feminist theologizing differs from masculine theologizing, 2) how documentary evidences of women stories underpin a different kind of theorizing, and 3) how theology may take shape and appear from the points of view of women victims of the Holocaust, steering a theological discussion on Shekinah.

Author Biography

Rica delos Reyes Ancheta, San Beda College, Alabang

Dr Rica delos Reyes-Ancheta is an Associate Professor at San Beda College, Alabang. She is currently Chair of the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy.


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How to Cite

Ancheta, R. delos R. (2018). SHEKHINAH: A Feminist Perspective in the Light of Holocaust. Journal of Dharma, 43(2), 211–236. Retrieved from