Dialogue In India

An Analysis of the Situation a Reflection on Experience


  • Albet Nambiaparampil


CBCI, Church in India


"Living as we are in close contact with men of other religions, the Church in India must engage in dialogue with them. Inter-religious dialogue is the response of Christian faith to God's saving presence in the religions traditions of mankind and the expression of the firm hope of the fuffilment of all things, in Christ ... " These lines, drawn from the consolidated report of the different workshops of 'the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, are the result of a very serious attempt at reflecting on the dialogue-activity that is being carried on by the Church in India. This Calcutta session bad as its main task, to prepare for the Synod in Rome that studied Evangelization, and to draft a letter to the Synod. But the Church in India had to relate its evangelisation to the commitment to dialogue. There was no question of compromising any of the activities: of evangelization, of dialogue, of development. In this C.B.C.I. Session; we see an attempt on the part of the Church at a self-understanding as an open community engaged in one pilgrimage of hope.


CBCI. Report of the CBCI Culcutta Session. Culcutta: 1974.

Amalorpavadass. Church in India Today. Bangalore, 1969.




How to Cite

Nambiaparampil, A. (1976). Dialogue In India: An Analysis of the Situation a Reflection on Experience. Journal of Dharma, 1(3), 267–283. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/jd/article/view/1918