Marxist and Christian Dialectics Of Liberation


  • S Kappen "Anavim", Madras.


Man and Society, Being and Knowing, Man and nature, Man in Alienation


In comparing Marxism and Christianity, it is necessary to keep in mind that their axes lie on different planes. Marxism is at once a philosophy, a sociology, a methodology of knowing and act- ing, and an economic theory. Christianity, on the contrary, is neither a philosophy, nor a sociology, nor a methodology, nor a theory of economics. The prime concern of Jesus was the absolute meaning and value of life, the ultimate ground and goal of human existence. He was concerned with the concrete problems of this world only insofar as God and his reign had a stake in them.


Karl Marx. "Economic-philosophical Manuscripts" (Abrev: MSS), in Karl Marx, Early Writings (Abrev: EW). ed. T.B. Bottomore, 'Watts & Co; London: 1963, P. 166. 2.. Ibid P. 20.

Karl Marx. Capital III in Karl Marx. Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy (Abrev: SW) cd. T.B. Bottomore and Maximilien Rubel (London: Pelican 1970) Pp. 259- 260.

Karl Marx. "Theses on Feuerbach". SVV Pp. 82-83.

Karl Marx. "Grundrisse": SW, p. 110

K. Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels, Selected Works, (Moscow: 1962).

Karl Marx, "Preface to a Contribution to the Critique of political Economy" (1859): SW, p. 67.

Karl Marx, "Contribution to the Critique of Hegels' Philosophy of Right" : EW, Pp.143-44.

Karl Marx."German Ideology" SW. p. 2.53.




How to Cite

S Kappen. (1977). Marxist and Christian Dialectics Of Liberation. Journal of Dharma, 2(1), 53–68. Retrieved from